Social Polarization, a quite young event, has been increasing especially since the 1970s and 1980s which are the years of the transition from Fordism to Postfordism. Changing life standards, new job opportunities, deindustrialization, globalization, different political views, different education levels, migration which results in the obligation of mixing, economical possibilities and impossibilities for people from different levels of the society, unequal sharing of the city life between different genders, racism and so many other things are the main reasons for the polarization in the society. Actually, Karl Marx’ word alienation gives a sense that an event like polarization would occur sooner or later. The deep differences between the lifestyles of the capitalist wealthy and the working class poor, different ethnicities and cultures which come together in the city, alienated and isolated people from each other. Some voluntarily isolated themselves, others by force. But for each...